Contract, terms and Conditions of Best Content.

  • General Terms: BestContent offers content creation services in English for individuals and business. For this purpose, we have a team of skilled professionals, including journalists, redactors, editors, proofreaders and account managers.
  • Parts: GT Internet Group, legal entity of private law, henceforth named “BestContent”. Client: Individual or legal entity, identified in BestContent’ electronic database and who, for all intends and purposes, will be henceforth named ‘Client’.
  • The client expressively states and guarantees, for all legal purposes:

    a. You have legal capacity and authority to enter into a contract, as well as to use BestContent services, having a valid governing document.

    b.You recognize that this contract is formalized, binding the parts, with the electronic acceptance of the contract by clicking on the “Sign Up” button on BestContent’ page, and checking the “I accept the terms of use.” option.

    c. You have read and are aware of and fully agree with all of the conditions and terms of using this contract.

    d. You will keep personal data consistently up to date, mainly the e-mail addresses, otherwise, all communications made through the e-mail that is on file in BestContent’ register will be considered invalid.

    e. You will not use the text and content created by BestContent for illegal purposes or in an incompatible way that is not good business practice.

    f. You are responsible for the use, distribution or any other consequence of using this material acquired.

    g. You are civilly or criminally responsible for any consequences that arise from using this material you have acquired.
  • The parts agree that all the regulations, contracts and negotiations regarding the service offer will be governed solely and exclusively via this Contract, Conditions, Terms of Use and its amendments.
  • Content: There are some subjects that will not be permitted such as violent, offensive, scandalous, illegal, adult, or academic content. The request must not violate, damage or assail third parts’ rights, such as brands, data protection, names and copyright. It must not violate anyone’s personality or be slanderous. BestContent can, at its sole discretion, cancel ANY text or an entire request, no implying in the infringement of this contract. In this specific case, any paid value will be refunded, discounted fees charged for bank services. All the content created by BestContent are original and copy-free. All the content is created by journalists and copyright proof. Our platform automatically verifies if there are parts that may have been copied from other sources, even unintentionally, using Copyscape services. Copyscape is world leader in copy detection. At the end of the process, the client will get a unique, high quality, original and copy-free text.
  • Copyright and Reproduction of Contents: All text created by BestContent belong exclusively to the client. The client can change, rewrite, publish, republish and reproduce in any electronic or physical way. The client has full copyright on all the blog posts and contents provided to him or her and can use it in any media. The client can also resell the blog posts or intermediate the purchase of blog posts from BestContent to third parts.
  • Changes in the texts:
    1. BestContent’ content is created, edited and reviewed by journalists and highly qualified professionals. Due to this, after the delivery, clients will not be able to request any changes in the blog posts sent if the writer follows all of the given instructions that the client provided. Complaints will not be accepted about the delivered content, as well as any kind of refunding. We will also not accept the opening of any disputes, refunding or complaints on the PayPal platform.
    2. Reviews: If the text delivered by BestContent doesn’t comply with the instructions the client has sent when the request was submitted, the client may request the text be reviewed. The client must send an e-mail to The text will be reviewed and redelivered in at most 7 business days.
  • Briefing/Instructions: In addition to the instructions, the client is also responsible for sending an extremely detailed briefing, containing all the details to be included in the text to be created. In the briefing, all the information must be included about the text, such as content or theme, total number of words, keywords that must be used, the kind of speech that will be used, target audience expected to read the text, ways of approaching, text models accepted, rules to be followed and avoided, structure to be used and details about the creation process. After the delivery, the text will not be changed or reviewed in case it doesn’t meet client’s expectations. So it’s fundamental sending a detailed briefing.
  • Deadlines:
    a. When requesting a text, the client will be redirected to the “Order Details” page. On this page, there is a final deadline for the client to get the requested blog posts, and/or every piece of information from BestContent to the client, counted based on business days, from Monday to Friday. This deadline is merely informative and can change at any moment by BestContent with no need of previous notification. This may happen due to external and internal factors that may directly influence the amount of time requested to produce the requested content. BestContent will use its better efforts to meet the deadlines. However, it cannot be held responsible if the order is delivered after the deadline, at any time. The client is aware that external factors may interfere with the order delivery, including but not limited to a sudden increase in order requests, problems in the platform, unavailability of the internet “link”, problems with the platform hosting company, internal administrative problems and/or in a fortuitous event or force majeure. If the deadline is met and no delivery has been made, we will not refund based on disputes through PayPal.
    b. In order to meet the deadline and eliminate pending requests in the platform, the client has 3 months from the payment confirmation date to provide required information. If the client doesn’t fill out the title and/or other order information, BestContent will itself fill these data to the client, based on the current and previous orders from the client. This measure will be adopted only after all communication attempts are made, requesting to fill all missing information on the order. The client will not be able, under no circumstance, to request modifications in the titles or in the content chosen by BestContent after this final measure.
  • Service Interruptions: Keeping in mind that it is impossible for any telecommunication system to work integrally and continuously 24 hours per day, 365 days per year, BestContent cannot guarantee, by any means, a continuous and/or error-free service provision, due to its fragility, complexity and third-part dependence.
  • Passwords: All clients, upon registration, must insert their full names or their company names, as well as a personal password. With this password, it is possible to hire BestContent services. This password must be kept confidential and under no circumstances can it be shared with third parts. If this happens, the client will be held accountable for the consequences of its misuse. If, for any reason, the client is not able to log into the platform and/or password is at risk, he or she must contact us via e-mail, at:
  • Payments: The only payment option available is the prepaid option. BestContent will only start to create the content as soon as the payment is confirmed by PayPal. Our platform uses solely and exclusively Paypal services, to manage client payments. Any questions regarding payments, inability of issuing payments, lack of communication in credit/debit card transactions, among other issues related to the payment, must be directed to PayPal support staff. BestContent is not responsible for any problem that may occur after the order creation and payment transaction. It is agreed between both parts that the client may ask for payment refund if he or she does not want to use BestContent’ services anymore ONLY if two criteria are met: 1. The refund request date must in at most 3 calendar days from the payment date and 2. If the blog posts are not being produced, if the status changes to: being written, waiting revision, under revision, finished or delivered. In this case, the amount will be reversed by PayPal itself, with the “Issue Refund” option, to the client e-mail, discounting PayPal’ service fees. After 3 calendar days from the payment date and/or if the order status has already been changed to any of the mentioned above, the client will not be able to request, under any circumstances, a payment refund, open a dispute or complaint in Paypal, or even cancel the order. If this happens, BestContent reserves the right to reopen the original charge. If this value is not paid, the client account may be cancelled and will no longer be able to use the company services. The client and BestContent agree that the client will not be able to request, under any circumstances, a payment refund, open a dispute or complaint in Paypal, or even cancel the order due to the content quality or even due to unmet expectations. If this happens, BestContent reserves the right to reopen the original charge. If this value is not paid, the client account may be cancelled and he will no longer be able to use the company services. In addition, the company will dispute the amount on Paypal until the highest possible instance.
  • Communication: For recording purposes, the only official communication is e-mail. The only possible e-mail for communication between BestContent and its clients is Any other communication forms are extra facilities to the client, but they are not officially considered as interaction to be recorded.
  • Deadline, Acceptance and Validity: This contract is valid for an indefinite period, taking effect from the date of its electronic acceptance, when the client clicks on the “Sign Up/Next” button at BestContent website. BestContent can, at its sole discretion, without the need to explain, cancel this contract and no longer accept orders or registrations from the client for an indefinite period. In this case, the client will be previously notified.
  • Changes: BestContent can change both the form and content, as well as suspend or cancel, at its sole discretion, at any time, any of the services, products, prices and the platform that are offered to the client, with no previous notification, not implying any infringement of this contract.
  • Prices: The price of any of the products may be readjusted at any time by BestContent, without previous notifications.
  • After signing up through our platform, the client states that he or she has read, understood and accepted all the terms of this contract and of the terms of use.
  • About the Forum: Both parts choose the Court of Law in Ponta Grossa-PR, Brazil as being competent to solve any problems that may arise from this contract, excluding any others, being privileged or not.